Endowment/Covenant Funds

Hickory Neck Church has two Funds, the Covenant Fund and the Historic Chapel Endowment Fund.

The Covenant Fund is a true endowment with the principal being held in perpetuity. The earnings of the Covenant Fund may be used for:

  • Capital needs;
  • Outreach ministries and grants;
  • Seed money for new ministries and special one-time projects; and,
  • Other purposes specifically designated by the donor.

The Historic Chapel Endowment Fund is also a true endowment with the principal being held in perpetuity. The earnings of the Historic Chapel Endowment Fund will be used exclusively for the Historic Chapel for its repairs and ongoing maintenance.

Gifts/Bequests to Hickory Neck Episcopal Church with “Covenant Fund” or “Historic Chapel Endowment Fund” on the Memo line will go a long way to insure our future.

Both funds are administered by a five person board appointed by the Vestry.