
Joining Hickory Neck

We often get asked how do I “join” Hickory Neck Church? The short answer is to come to Hickory Neck Church! We welcome anyone and everyone to join us for worship on Sunday mornings or at any of our church activities. We believe that first and foremost, membership in the Church means being part of a community that is drawn ever more deeply into relationship with God and our neighbor through Jesus Christ.”


For those who are interested in making a formal commitment of membership to the Episcopal Church and Hickory Neck, the membership process starts when you fill out the Member Registration Form. This allows us to record you and other members of your family as baptized members. Completing the form allows us to pray for you at the time of your birthday and wedding anniversary, as well as share important information regarding the life of the parish. Please return the Membership Registration Form either in the offering plate or to the church office.

Once we have received your form, we will issue you nametags you can use at church. We will also assign you a “Shepherd.” This is a person who will be your companion as you get to know Hickory Neck. They are a great resource for questions and guidance.

If you still have questions, please feel free to reach out to our clergy or call the church office. We would be happy to talk to you more about who we are and what we believe.

What does Membership at Hickory Neck mean?

In addition to attendance on Sundays, one of the markers of membership at Hickory Neck is the investment of your time, talent, and treasure. Each member does this a bit differently and has to find the commitment(s) that best meet their gifts, availability, and interests. The good news is there are myriad opportunities for learning, fellowship, worship, and service.

At Hickory Neck, we want you to find opportunities to be fed. One opportunity that might especially be helpful is our annual Discovery Class. This is a great “Episcopal 101” class for those new to the tradition, or those wanting to brush up on what being an Episcopalian means, especially in our context. It’s also a great way to meet fellow newcomers and longtime members. Also keep an eye out for invitations to special events. These may include receptions, lunches, and dinners. These are great ways to meet parishioners and connect with the community.

At Hickory Neck, we also want you to find opportunities to feed others. Every Sunday dozens of parishioners help to conduct our services, teach Sunday School or Children’s Chapel, sing in the choir, and assist with the youth program or Nursery. Throughout the year parishioners also help the many charities we support, volunteer at the Fall Festival, and contribute to many other church events throughout the year, all of which bring us closer together as a congregation. The Ministry Guide will help you see the breadth of opportunities to feed others.