Worship Ministries
Ministries dedicated to the development of our Sunday worship services that are a joyous experience ensuring our parishioners are well-fed spiritually.
These ministries include:
The Acolytes assist the priest during the worship service. Hickory Neck Church is blessed with intergenerational volunteers who do this important job. Being an acolyte allows the youth of our church to feel like they are an important part of the church community and gives adults an essential role in serving and mentoring younger acolytes.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild performs many duties in support of our worship services. Six very dedicated women serve on a rotating basis with a partner. The Altar Guild is responsible for having the correct seasonal paraments on the altar and in sanctuary, setting the altar for all services, keeping all linens and implements cleaned, and ordering our supplies for the services. They may be called upon occasionally for special services.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest at the altar during the service by offering the chalice during communion at one of the two services. Eucharistic Ministers process and recess with the priests and acolytes. They also hold the Gospel for the priest to read.
One HNC Eucharistic Minister describes the ministry this way:
“Serving the chalice is for me a wonderful spiritual gift from God. With each brother or sister in Christ I serve, I feel blessed. It’s an honor to assist the priest and to hold the Gospel as he or she reads the lesson. This is a “servant ministry” and not to be taken lightly. There is a deep and splendid meaning in each part of the service. Some of us serve as Lay Eucharistic Visitors as well; taking the love of Hickory Neck to those who cannot be with us is another precious gift from God in that when we serve in this manner, we receive tenfold. This is a marvelous way in which to enrich ourselves spiritually and to learn more about the celebration of our faith.”
Flower Guild
The beautiful floral arrangements created by the talented and dedicated members of this guild remind us of God’s bounty and enhance our worship each week at both the New and Historic Chapels.
If you would like to dedicate flowers to a loved one or in honor of a milestone in your life, look for the sign-up sheet on the kiosk in the Narthex.
Have you ever gone to a church where no one said hello or even knew you were there? That never happens at Hickory Neck because we are genuinely happy to welcome newcomers.
Each Sunday volunteers stand near the front doors of the church to welcome worshippers, both long-timers and newcomers alike. They will give you a warm smile and answer any questions you may have.
Assigned lay persons read the Old Testament lesson after the Collect, the New Testament lesson after the Psalm, and the Prayers of the People after the Nicene Creed.
The appointed lessons can be found in the weekly bulletin or in the online lectionary. You’ll find a black notebook, containing the Prayers of the People, near the ushers’ stand.
Technical Support
The 10:00 am service in the New Chapel is streamed on YouTube and and on our Website, as well as special services such as Christmas, Easter, and Lent. One of our technical support volunteers operates the sound system for the priests, lectors, and musicians for these services.
Ushers serve on Sundays and at special occasions to meet and greet people as they enter the Nave, offer bulletins and assistance in seating. They also help with offering collection and ushering to Eucharist. After the services, ushers pick up bulletins and organize the hymnals and prayer books for the next service.