Adult Parish Choir
Our Parish Choir consists of 20 to 25 dedicated volunteers. Some have an extensive choral or instrumental music background. Others have little, if any, musical training. The anthem repertoire is largely contemporary but includes some of the formal music of the Episcopal Church. Three to four Sundays a month the choir sings an offertory anthem and leads congregational singing including the Psalm. Psalm singing is an integral part of our worship and is most often responsorial and in Simplified Anglican Chant. Every year the choir offers at least one special evening service such as Choral Evensong or combines with other upper county church choirs for a musical offering. Other musical offerings include both Advent and Christmas Lessons and Carols during morning worship in December, and music leadership for the upper county ecumenical service at Hickory Neck on Holy Wednesday. Typically, their singing season ends in June and resumes in September. New members are always welcome. Auditions are not required.